This all may seem vague so I wish to precursor it by stating one thing clearly: post things to this blog. Add what ever you can whenever you can. Let what comes before it and after it influence your own contribution or not. Thank you for your participation.

Okay so...

This thing will serve as an open archive. Take and add what you can whenever possible. Cite your contributions and they in turn will be cited. We are creating together and autonomously. There is no goal, no finish. We can help each other do things, or get help here.

Another stupid art project.

For entry to blog and gmail account

username: DWYC2Y

password: 45524552

Saturday, February 6, 2010


from Archive Fever Jacques Derrida 1995

"The death drive tends thus to destroy the hypomnesic archive, except if it can be disguised, made up, painted, printed, represented as the idol of its truth in painting. Another economy is thus at work, the transaction between this death drive and the pleasure principle, between Thanatos and Eros, but also between the death drive and this apparent dual opposition of principals, of arkhai, for example the reality principle and the pleasure principle. The death drive is not a principle. It even threatens every principality, every archontic primacy, every archival desire. It is what we will call, later on, le mal d'archive, "archive fever". [12]

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